Friday, March 13, 2009

i just need to say something about this....

Sorry guys, but i needed to say something about this. Everyday i go to school at least ONE person makes fun of the fact that i love the jonas brothers. hey, wat's wrong with that? i just don't get it. just because YOU think they're gay, ugly, or something else repulsive doens't mean that i shouldn't like them, or that their bad people, okay? it just pisses me off how some people always assume things like Matt. hes always saying that they're gay. you know what matt? why do u care? what's wrong with gay people anyway? they're just regular people with different love interests. so what if their different? ur beginning to sound communist you know that? did u hear about the screenwriter of the new movie "milk"? he's gay, and his oscar speech was so sad. he was raised as a catholic, and was turned away and shunned when he admitted that he liked guys. and same to u natalie. i always say i love joe jonas, and u always say you love tom daley. u always say that joe jonas is gay or ugly, but no, i don't say anything bad about tom daley. i only said it before i fell in love with joe jonas. but now that i do know what it's like to be obsessed over someone that you can never be with, i've stopped. if i said i hated paramore, i bet that you would come over when i'm sleeping and murder me, or something like that. besides, the jonas brothers are great examples that don't do drugs, don't use bad words, and they are wonderful musicians too. look, i don't care about what you have to say about my favorite band, but i just wanted you to know how it feels to have someone say something that would hurt a regular person's feelings. whether you want to believe it or not, the jonas brothers are great people and nothing you say can change that. i thought it was about time that i speak up about it, and maybe you'll think differently next time.


  1. look jackie, im sorry if i offended you or ANYTHING. im very sorry. but i have my own opinions about it and i also get bugged by other people about tom daley so i have the same problems. esteban thinks he looks like a gay guy thst's homosexual. so im sorry. and ps i know lesbians that teach at sdsu. they are the nicest people ever.

  2. ooooh how dramatic. i feel like i am in a cheesy teenage romance novel, no offense.
